"If you've already placed an order but forgotten to input your discount code, don't worry, we can definitely help you cancel your order if it hasn't been shipped from our warehouse yet.
Please contact us with your order number, and our support agents can cancel it if it has not been fulfilled yet, no questions asked!
However, if you would like to make any changes to your items, we are not able to do this due to our system's limitations, we can still have the order canceled and the amount refunded back to you so that you can create a new one!
In case the order is shipped from our warehouse, the following needs to be done:
Prepaid Orders: Once the product is delivered to you, we will refund the discount amount to the original payment method.
COD Orders: Once the product is delivered to you, we will refund the discount amount to your bank account. Request you to email us your bank account details."
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